Chair of the East Anglia District :The Revd. Canon Julian Pursehouse
Ministers of the Cambridge Circuit
- Revd Rose Westwood MA is as our Superintendent and minister for Wesley, Chesterton and Orwell 07944068302
- Deacon Ian Murray is responsible for Chesterton & also Wesley 07709909054
- Revd Jenny Pathmarajah BA Dip ABRSM ATCL, ARSM, Dip LCM works part-time as the minister for Castle Street and Histon. Her days of work are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays
- The Revd Charity Nzegwu MSc, BA, RGN, and Dip Onc (Royston, Haslingfield and Toft ) 07961700498
Ministers of local ecumenical partnership churches
- Revd Wendy Whale (Bar Hill)
- The Revd Bill Miller (Cambourne)
- The Revd Phil Nevard (Sawston Free Church)
- Vacancy (Team Rector of the Lordsbridge Team, Lead Minister for Comberton and Toft)
Supernumerary ministers
The Circuit mission and ministry is supported by our retired ministers, many of whom preach and offer pastoral care.
- The Revd Dr John Barrett, MA, BA
- The Revd Stephen Burgess MA BA BSc
- The Revd Robert E Dolman, MA
- The Revd Dr Peter Graves, Th M
- The Revd Barbara Garwood BSc
- The Revd Dr Stuart Jordan BA MA
- The Revd Joy F Levine
- The Revd Clifford Meharry BEd BTh
- The Revd Gillian E Slaymaker
- The Revd Jacqueline Smith
- The Revd Dr Kenneth A Wallace, BSc
- The Revd Dr Michael Wilson, BSc, MA
The Leys School & St Faith's School
- Revd Simon Coleman (chaplain) BEd
Wesley House
- The Revd Dr Jane Leach, MA. BA (Principal)